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樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter

樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter
樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter


樂活濾袋 EZSOK Specialty Frame & Filter (30pcs.)

(口袋裡的咖啡館 - 咖啡、茶葉 浸泡 / 沖泡 集合一體化)

1. 單一質量無膠濾紙
2. 錐形立體浸泡濾槽
3. 自主掌控咖啡品項
4. 專業不沾手濾掛環
    (100% 台灣制造)

註:獨立濾袋30入 - 售價 HK$40/包
       Individual filter is available for HK$40/pack.

1. Single quality glue-free filter paper
     No need to worry about releasing toxic substances from adhesive
2. Conical three-dimensional brewing filter tank
     Fully fermented and lubricated to fully release coffee essence
3. Independent control of coffee items
     Drink coffee and choose the amount and freshness of your own coffee
4. Professional non-stick filter hanging ring
     Convenient and stable control of brewing quality
     (100% made in Taiwan)

  • 庫存: 有貨
  • 型號: EZSOK
  • 重量: 60.00克


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