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Forex 1983´ 併配咖啡 House Blend

Forex 1983´ 併配咖啡 House Blend

型號: HBLND-1 重量: 200.00克
Forex 1983 咖啡坊自家併配 - 孔雀石 Malachite House Blend味道 Flavor: 以果香、巧克力和堅果味為基底,風味均衡。 與拿鐵、卡布奇諾或純白咖啡搭配熱鮮奶味道極佳 Fruity, chocolate and nuttiness as a base flavor, well-balanced. Tasted good with steamed milk for latte, cuppuccino, or flat white...
型號: HBLND-2 重量: 200.00克
Forex 1983 咖啡坊自家併配 - 翡翠 Jade House Blend味道 Flavor: 特別為喜愛品嘗獨特的意式濃縮咖啡而設。 梅果香氣豐富、深沉、複雜,人口強烈濃厚,像融化奶油在舌頭上旋轉;酸甜度平衡恰到好處,餘韻回甘綿長。 Especially for single or double shot of espresso- Plum fruit aroma, rich, deep, and complicated, heavy and dense like melted butter swirling around the tongue, acidity a..
型號: HBLND-3 重量: 200.00克
Forex 1983 咖啡坊自家併配 - 藍寶石 SAPPHIRE House Blend溫和混合 Mild Blend:  人口酸度較高,後續花香果香優雅,餘韻圓潤濃鬱。 More acidity in the first taste, flowery & fruitful aroma afterward, round and stronger body finish...
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