04 Mar
篩選:17/18 = 最低 96%(不含象豆)
外觀: 藍綠色,均勻
牙買加藍山咖啡是世界上最稀有、最受歡迎的咖啡。 咖啡於 1728 年首次從馬提尼克島傳入牙買加。但直到 1838 年英國領土廢除奴隸制,藍山的前奴隸才開始種植咖啡。 位於牙買加島的東端,有一系列雄偉的山丘,被稱為藍山。 海拔高達 5,000 英尺,這裡的地形、土壤、降雨和濃濃的藍山霧氣相結合,為種植世界上著名、最尊貴、最美味的牙買加藍山咖啡創造了完美的條件。 只有在這個精確的地理區域和嚴格的條件下種植的咖啡才能被認證為「100% 藍山咖啡」。
Jamaican coffee specifications:-
Blue Mountain No. 1
Screen: 17/18 = 96% Minimum (without Elephant Beans)
Appearance: Bluish-Green, Uniform
Defects: 2% Maximum (Foreign Matter, Black and Sour Beans not allowed)
Jamaica Blue Mountain is the rarest and most sought after coffee in the world. Coffee was first introduced into Jamaica from the island of Martinique in 1728. But it wasn't until the abolition of slavery on the British territory in 1838 when former slaves in the Blue Mountain began the cultivation of coffee. Located at the eastern ends of the island of Jamaica runs a majestic range of hills known as the Blue Mountains. At elevations of up to 5,000 feet, here the terrain, the soil, the rainfall, and the thick Blue Mountain mist combine to create the perfect conditions for the cultivation of the World's famous, most distinguished and most delicious Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. Only coffee grown in this precise geographic region under exacting conditions will be certified "100% Blue Mountain Coffee".
篩選:17/18 = 最低 96%(不含象豆)
外觀: 藍綠色,均勻
牙買加藍山咖啡是世界上最稀有、最受歡迎的咖啡。 咖啡於 1728 年首次從馬提尼克島傳入牙買加。但直到 1838 年英國領土廢除奴隸制,藍山的前奴隸才開始種植咖啡。 位於牙買加島的東端,有一系列雄偉的山丘,被稱為藍山。 海拔高達 5,000 英尺,這裡的地形、土壤、降雨和濃濃的藍山霧氣相結合,為種植世界上著名、最尊貴、最美味的牙買加藍山咖啡創造了完美的條件。 只有在這個精確的地理區域和嚴格的條件下種植的咖啡才能被認證為「100% 藍山咖啡」。
Jamaican coffee specifications:-
Blue Mountain No. 1
Screen: 17/18 = 96% Minimum (without Elephant Beans)
Appearance: Bluish-Green, Uniform
Defects: 2% Maximum (Foreign Matter, Black and Sour Beans not allowed)
Jamaica Blue Mountain is the rarest and most sought after coffee in the world. Coffee was first introduced into Jamaica from the island of Martinique in 1728. But it wasn't until the abolition of slavery on the British territory in 1838 when former slaves in the Blue Mountain began the cultivation of coffee. Located at the eastern ends of the island of Jamaica runs a majestic range of hills known as the Blue Mountains. At elevations of up to 5,000 feet, here the terrain, the soil, the rainfall, and the thick Blue Mountain mist combine to create the perfect conditions for the cultivation of the World's famous, most distinguished and most delicious Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. Only coffee grown in this precise geographic region under exacting conditions will be certified "100% Blue Mountain Coffee".